Calendar Converter

Use this tool to convert any date in the Gregorian calendar to the Maya Cholq’ij (Tzolkin) day-count. Look up your birthday to find out which of the 20 energies you were born on, or use it to help plan important events — for example, you could plan a kick off meeting for a new project on Q’ANIL (the seed).

Gregorian Date
Maya Cholq’ij Day Count
Death, Rebirth
The Owl

Living Maya Destiny Cards

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$40 + tax and shipping

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Sales Proceeds

All proceeds go to funding indigenous-led environmental initiatives in Guatemala.

Outside the US?

Send an email with the details of your order (quantity, address). Please use the link above for US addresses only.

Libreto Versión Español

Descarga digital

Por el momento, las cartas Living Maya solo están disponibles en inglés, pero tenemos una versión en español del libreto que acompaña las cartas disponible en formato digital (PDF) por USD 8-- o gratis con la compra de las cartas. Para recibir el PDF en español, envíe una solicitud a

Spanish Version

Digital download

The physical Living Maya cards are currently only available in English, however we have a digital version (PDF) of the booklet in Spanish available for USD 8-- or complimentary for anyone who has purchased a deck. To request a Spanish PDF, please email .

"The counting of time is the consciousness of our existence in this world."


